PACE Turf - Turfgrass Information Center


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Micah Woods, Ph.D. takes the helm at PACE Turf

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The PACE Turf information service: information you can't afford to be without
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Unbiased and easy to understand. Most valuable dollars our club will spend this year.

D'Ann Kimbrel, Director of Maintenance
Riverdale Golf Course, Brighton, Colorado

"The weekly e-mail updates and weather alerts are just enough information to absorb each week in a timely fashion. Love the photo gallery as well."

Bruce R. Williams, CGCS, Director of Golf Course & Grounds Maintenance
The Los Angeles Country Club, Los Angeles, California

"We are fortunate to have PACE Turf as a valuable resource that helps educate the golf industry with their website, PACE Highlights and weekly updates."

Scott Bourgeois, Director of Maintenance, Southern California
American Golf Corporation, Carson, California

"Larry and Wendy - two of the brightest people I know! They have the knack of taking complex issues and making them understandable."

J. Bryan Unruh, Ph.D., Extension Turfgrass Specialist
University of Florida, Milton, Florida

"PACE Turf Updates - an essential tool for all turfgrass managers regardless of where they work."

J. Bryan Unruh, Ph.D., Extension Turfgrass Specialist
University of Florida, Milton, Florida

"The Clubhouse Editions provide a professional look along with easy to understand information. Our membership has had many positive comments."

Carmen A. Giannini, Jr., Superintendent
Army Navy Country Club, Fairfax, Virginia

"PACE Turf is part of my daily routine with their Weather Alerts and e-mail updates."

Steve Bruton, Director of Construction and Agronomy
Sheshan Golf Group, Shanghai, China

"They apply common sense to the complicated research data and snake oil remedies flying around in the turf business. I can make decisions based on real science explained to me simply by PACE Turf."

Steve Bruton, Director of Construction and Agronomy
Sheshan Golf Group, Shanghai, China

"PACE's efforts are helpful to superintendents throughout the country. I enjoy their updates, and highly recommend their information whenever asked."

Derek Settle, Ph.D., Director of Turfgrass Program
Chicago District Golf Association, Lemont, Illinois

"PACE Turf has provided an easy way to keep up with the latest findings, and has also been a nice resource on many aspects of turfgrass management."

Paul Koch, Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab Manager
O.J. Noer Turfgrass Research Facility, Verona, WI

"I have been a member of PACE for the last 4 years and found the information to be pertinent, timely and presented in a personal but an unbiased manner."

Karl Danneberger, Ph.D., Professor, Turfgrass Science
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

"We are fortunate to have PACE Turf as a valuable resource. The subscription fee is nominal when you compare it to the cost of inferior playing conditions due to not being informed."

Scott Bourgeois, Director of Maintenance, Southern California
American Golf Corporation, Carson, California

I like the Clubhouse Editions, and have posted many on our locker room bulletin boards. They are well written with high quality photos. They educate the golfers on issues that help me do a better job.

F. Dan Dinelli, CGCS, Superintendent
North Shore Country Club, Glenview, Illinois

"No matter how much experience and how good a superintendent any of us are, we can always use support. The ability to have the support of PACE Turf is priceless. Wendy and Larry are the best!"

Bruce R. Williams, CGCS, Director of Golf Course & Grounds Maintenance
The Los Angeles Country Club, Los Angeles, California

"PACE Turf members are getting turfgrass information that is as good as there is to be had."

Fred Yelverton, Ph.D., Professor of Crop Science and Extension Specialist
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

"PACE Turf is the best information source that I have found in my 26 years as a turfgrass manager. They do a great job!"

Jose Gomez Gomez, Superintendent
Real Club de Golf, Barcelona, Spain

"The Clubhouse Editions are always nice, because Wendy and Larry explain turf maintenance issues in plain facts that you can post for the golfers to read."

Ross O'Fee, CGCS
Salt Lake City, Utah

"I’m a fan of PACE because they are great scientists with real on-site experience. They know the reality of turfgrass management from a turfgrass manager’s perspective."

Jose Gomez Gomez, Superintendent
Real Club de Golf, Barcelona, Spain

"Larry and Wendy do an excellent job of on-site research and demonstration studies, and they do it with good, sound scientific principles and practices."

Bob Carrow, Ph.D., Professor of Turfgrass Science
University of Georgia

"When I find a problem on my golf course, I’m never surprised, because just days before I’ve received a PACE Turf Update email giving me advice on the problem."

Jose Gomez Gomez, Superintendent
Real Club de Golf, Barcelona, Spain

"PACE Turf. It’s current. It’s up to date. You get good information on a weekly basis through the newsletter."

Ross O'Fee, CGCS
Salt Lake City, Utah

"PACE Turf keeps me on the cutting edge of research. They have so much information online that I've taken advantage of it and educated myself."

Michael Stachowicz, Grounds Manager
Dedham Country and Polo Club, Dedham, Massachusetts

"What I like best about PACE Turf are the updates sent by e-mail each week. I always learn something new and get ideas about turfgrass management that I share with my clients in Asia."

Micah Woods, Ph.D., Research Director
Asian Turfgrass Center, Ayuddhaya, Thailand

"I sought out PACE Turf as a way of staying in touch with everything that is going on."

Kevin Phillips, Superintendent
Iron Horse Golf Club, Whitefish, Montana

"A PACE Turf membership is $275. I think it’s a well-spent $275."

Mike Hathaway, CGCS, Superintendent
The Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Santa Fe, California

"With its climate monitoring feature, PACE Turf has saved me money by showing me when it is the appropriate time to apply a product."

Shawn Emerson, Superintendent
Desert Mountain Golf, Scottsdale, Arizona

"For me, $275 for a PACE Turf membership is a no-brainer."

Michael Stachowicz, Grounds Manager
Dedham Country and Polo Club, Dedham, Massachusetts

"Wendy and Larry are generally regarded in the scientific community as some of the top turf scientists. No question. I certainly regard them as that, and I think most people do."

Fred Yelverton, Ph.D., Professor of Crop Science and Extension Specialist
North Carolina State University

"Larry and Wendy save me from having to check my technology resources or just reassure me that a decision I’ve already made was on the right track. They’re kind of my partners, if you will."

Mike Hathaway, CGCS, Superintendent
The Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Santa Fe, California

"They give concise, up-to-date information day-by-day and month-by-month all during the year. They’re two awesome people, and they know what they are doing."

Mike Caranci, Superintendent
Candlewood Country Club, Whittier, California

"Wendy and Larry. They’re good people. They’re an asset to the industry. And I’m glad they’re on my side."

Shawn Emerson, Superintendent
Desert Mountain Golf, Scottsdale, Arizona

"I relied heavily on Larry and Wendy in my preparations for last year’s Open. When the world is watching, it is comforting to have the backup and assistance of a professional organization like PACE."

Candice Combs, CGCS, Superintendent
Torrey Pines Golf Course, La Jolla, California

"It's a great benefit for us to have access to PACE Turf for their up to date, objective and science-based information."

Yves Kessler
European Turf Management, Feldafing, Germany

"An invaluable service."

Leah Brilman, Ph.D., Director of Research and Technical Services
Seed Research of Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon

"It is important to acknowledge the long-standing positive relationship PACE Turf has had with GCSAA. They have proven to be a great resource on the course and have provided excellent service."

Mark Woodward, CGCS, Chief Executive Officer (former)
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, Lawrence, KS

"Pesticides: expensive. Fertilizers: expensive. Labor: Expensive. $275 for a PACE Turf membership: Priceless."

Carmen A. Giannini, Jr., Superintendent
Army Navy Country Club, Fairfax, Virginia

"When it comes to turf management, I rely on Wendy and Larry to cut to the chase."

Mike Hathaway, CGCS, Superintendent
The Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Santa Fe, California

"What I get from PACE Turf is continuous support and confirmation about what’s going on. I don’t feel like I’m out there by myself. It’s like having an assistant on your shoulder."

Shawn Emerson, Superintendent
Desert Mountain Golf, Scottsdale, Arizona

"Every superintendent should belong to PACE Turf. It can really help them do their jobs better."

Mike Caranci, Superintendent
Candlewood Country Club, Whittier, California

"I have known Wendy and Larry for 20 years and have always been impressed. In class, I use them as the model of how a consulting business is to be operated. They represent the best of the best."

Rick Brandenburg, Ph.D., Co-Director, Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research and Education
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

"A PACE Turf membership is $275. I think it’s a well-spent $275."

Mike Hathaway, CGCS, Superintendent
The Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Santa Fe, California

Three simple ways to estimate nutrient removal
May 04 2024
Grasses use nutrients as they grow. Here are three easy ways to estimate the quantities of nutrients harvested by the grass. Option 1: estimate based on N rate Grass can only...
Normal leaf nutrient content of creeping bentgrass putting greens
May 03 2024
Grass uses nutrients in quantities that can be measured through leaf nutrient analysis (tissue testing). This table shows our 2024 update for what is normal for creeping bentgrass golf course putting...
Analyzing the overseed timing window
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We've been using growth potential (GP), and specifically the difference between the cool-season and the warm-season GP, to identify the optimum overseeding dates based on temperature. I made some...
Photo of the week: moss and traffic
Apr 26 2024
Callum Haughn shared this photo of a tees decks on a golf course in eastern Canada. The back tee, which presumably receives the least amount of traffic, has a thick...

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